Browse Photos
<< 2005
- 2006 -
2007 >>
Morgante took it upon himself to change our calendar daily.
Morgante with stupid hat rides the balance board.
Brandon and the bar.
Sara's dog Mable chillin in front of the fire.
Port Authority Bus Terminal. Gotta love that red brick.
Sara at WVBR.
At WVBR (posing for the camera).
Talkin to my radio listening audience.
Brandon thizzin.
Morgante being... Morgante... on Slope Day.
Krispy Kreme fundraiser for Libs. 15 boxes of fresh, warm Krispy Kreme doughnuts... amazing.
What the Mews room would eventually evolve into.
Wingz Over Ithaca feast. $70 in wings (left, you can only see 1 of the layers), a rack of ribs, onion rings and fries (right) and 3 two liter sodas (not appearing in this picture).
Morgante does his laundry.
Cheap gas in Wallingford, VT
Thiz face
Libertarian protest at the NY gubernatorial debate.
Fall on the Arts Quad.
Foliage and West Campus. I live in one of the nice-looking stone ones at the bottom of the hill.
Me and the ice penguin in the Commons.
Schueler Half-Lifin' it up.
The Tree.
Mmmm... carrot
<< 2005
- 2006 -
2007 >>