First day in GenevaBottle and basket, can and plateMorning walkHome from the hospitalBaby showerSuper Bowl LIIIThe wine region of Dingac, finest in Croatia, is on this steep hillJust a couple of men in collared shirts playing arcade gamesReal estate photo oppShaun and Helen's WeddingThe hotel has resident water buffalo. The front desk offered to book me a time to give them a shower, but I declined.Fruit shakeThe mysterious, sacred inland saltwater bayAngthongThere was a lot of space inside that treePinnacles National ParkAlter ego.Group for the Tuscany tripTesting selfie capabilities of the Google phoneReady to root for the FalconsA little 30th birthday big buck hunterEveryone is wearing the 30th birthday hatsStill wearing the 30th birthday hatsNice day out at SugarbushBird watchingCasablanca Valleycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographywe got thirsty. credit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographywaiting. credit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographycredit: k thompson photographyWatson Wyatt '09 still going strongThis roof is not looking too goodEngagement photo shootEngagement photo shootEngagement photo shootEngagement photo shootEngagement photo shootEngagement photo shootReady to ice climbSuper Bowl morningDapper for dinnerSurprise!Happy New Year 2016Ghost Nate lurks outsidePretty nice benchHangin with Smokey BearWhite SandsKind of windy at the Cape of Good HopeWine tasting is serious businessExamining the grapesWe bought a camperLake ChamplainLake ChamplainDay of Sam's weddingHey there baby goatLast day at Towers Watson - June 2008 to April 2015Sittin by the poolThis was only the medium sized drink on the menuStaged by our trusty tuk-tuk driver.Good to catch up with HCM at his mausoleum Banh mi, pleaseSouth Vietnamese palaceIt was a really small car.Just like Lewis and Clark and SacagaweaGeese In Flight: part of the Enchanted Highway, a 32 mile stretch housing the world's largest scrap metal sculptures.Giving the pistol a shot at the firing rangeDakota Thunder: the World's Largest Buffalo and American Bison in Jamestown, ND (the Buffalo City). Sadly, White Cloud was nowhere to be seen on two separate visits.Closed on the house / Aug 15, 2014Nice looking side table if I say so myselfClassiest guests at the Krigstein - Irvine WeddingThe whole group with the happy couple and a solid photobomb.Matching headbands means we're teammates.Looking out over JaipurMonkeys like to eat peanutsI find a new puppy friendGetting off a camel is actually quite excitingIndian tourists kept asking to take their picture with me, so I snapped one too once. It was a little strange.Red Fort in DelhiAwkwardly staged?This paper apparently says I'm a Fellow of the Society of ActuariesYes, your eyes do not deceive you, this car appeared in the film 2 Fast 2 Furious.That hat is about all the kept me from roasting in the desert.Just standing in some bushesCountry Music Hall of FameCountry Music Hall of FamePartners in crime for Nashville head to the Grand Ole OpryApparently hipsters like to drink PBRSomeone's gotta make sure I don't get sunburned...I'm not worried.Pensive.Probably would have been on better behavior had I known we were that much on TVThe danger was in fact confirmed when we attempted to start our campfire.PalaceWaterfall deep in the rainforestSantasLumberjacks!Sandwich breakReady to set outSome friendly bears in BoulderNot just any Coors Light sign, but the one in the tasting room of the factory.Ready to hike a mountainSo far so goodTop of Mount Eva: 13,130 feet.About half way upSummitting Mt. EvaThe 4 roommates at the end of an era.Notre DameGreat Falls Park, MDNew Years Day at all-you-can-eat Mongolian BBQ, for better or worse.Picking one out off the lineAt SlossFeeding the goatsFeeding a giraffeThe King and meSo seriousA really shaky bridgeSt. Basil'sOutside Reactor #4Prypiat city limitsReady to head out to Taste of the South 2011Muir Woods and its giant treesEvaluating a fine wineChristmas photoLiving dangerouslyIt's all downhill from hereFueling up with some pizzaSpontaneous gelatoLooking out across the Roman Forum, etc.Among the ruinsThat random arch next to the Colosseum St. Peter's SquareBack down off the St. Peter's dome.Olympic stadiumView off LykavittusView off LykavittusOff the AcropolisThe ParthenonOutside Aya SophiaAya Sophia in the backgroundFirst time trying to use a golf club other than the miniature variety, out at the driving rangeAlmost ready to call it quits about 2/3 of the way through the Vermonster.The Vermonster, an ice cream sundae monstrosity that was all too suitable for a birthday treat.Cross country skiing through the forestThe family cross country skiing on Christmas Day 2009Getting ready to cross country ski for the first time at Trapp Family LodgeCornell v. BU hockey at Madison Square GardenHanging with an octopus near the Neptune Statue.Walking along the beachWar memorial and eternal flame in Newport News. As you can see, the eternal flame was not visible, calling into question whether it was actually lit at all.Hanging out in a field of cement cornFeeding some pigeons in BarcelonaLeaning Tower of PisaFeeding the crazy pigeons in the Piazza San MarcoSome unknown building in BellinzonaWaiting for a trainGazebo in Munich's English GardenDC101 Chili CookoffDC101 Chili CookoffFunnel cake failThe final moment of my life in which I had never had a corn dog.The WVBR crewFinally made it to the top of Mt. MonadnockSome Ivy League classes require you to dress upcaught in the act.This water was really coldOut on Lake Bomoseen in VTBuilding a screen house in the backyard in VTSinden / Woodhull family reunion in the PoconosOoooh... turkey leg.Taughannock Falls in IthacaSnowboard bumsDan and I riding the gondola up Stratton Mountain, VTFeeding the fire.I found a pile of rocks in the woods.Shooting at the Orvis Wingshooting School.Getting ready to set out.Any resemblence? Feeding the prarie dogs!Huron, SD: Home to the World's largest pheasant.Me washing the windows atop the Hancock Building in Chicago.Dan and I pose in front of a giant shiny bean.A buffalo joins us for dinner at our campsite...Standing in front of a giant prarie dog (the world's largest?)Riding at caboose at the Pioneer Auto Show.Cooking pasta on the stove at a rest area.Me and the ice penguin in the Commons.Talkin to my radio listening audience.At WVBR (posing for the camera).Cornell Mens Hockey playoffs in Albany.The fake Tamworth cornfield with my fellow data wranglersSydney Harbor Bridge