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Hydra Greece
(45mi SW)
(350mi NE)
(541mi NW)
(654mi W)
Athens Greece
Banana ice cream pop. Yum.
Greek food, mostly meat and potatoes
Pantheon / Acropolis
Olympic stadium
Ermou shopping street
We found a snack bar practically in the middle of nowhere up on Lykavittus
View off Lykavittus
View off Lykavittus
View off Lykavittus
Lighting a candle at the top of Lykavittus
A koi pond in the gardens of Athens. Apparently they're rather expensive.
Previously part of the Temple of Zeus
Our hotel was classy enough to have a shoe-shine machine in the basement.
Wandering around The Plaka at night
The Acropolis
Religious imagery was retrofitted to a lot of ancient buildings
The cleanest
Probably not even worth trying
No doubt a very informative sign
Off the Acropolis
The Parthenon
Off the Acropolis
The Parthenon
The Parthenon
The Parthenon
On the Acropolis
On the Acropolis
On the Acropolis
On the Acropolis
Climbing the Acropolis
Climbing the Acropolis
Climbing the Acropolis
View off the Acropolis
Hiking up the Acropolis